A modern approach to citizen engagement suggests that some citizens appreciate the ability to interact with their local government in a digital environment, such as online access to services to; pay property taxes, research publicly available information, submit documents and forms, etc. That’s where Engage™ comes in!
Engage™ is an online resource where citizens, real estate professionals, businesses, etc. can access all kinds of publicly available information related to property, such as; owner name, assessed value, improvement information, property taxes, property record cards, interactive forms, and so much more!
Engage™ is intended to be an intuitive, user-friendly application. However, we know that some features of Engage™ could use a bit of guidance to be completely beneficial to you. This informative guide will serve to provide you with a bit more guidance, should you have a need. As well to the left, we are happy to provide you with a number of resources to assist you in your property assessment journey.
Thank you for visiting our website and for the opportunity to serve you and your needs.
The Personal Property Online Portal for Indiana (PPOP-IN) is now accepting 2025 business personal property tax filings. This user-friendly, web-based system allows taxpayers and their authorized agents to file, review, and manage personal property tax submissions in one convenient location.
PPOP-IN is a secure, 24/7 self-service portal designed to simplify the personal property tax filing process. Through PPOP-IN, taxpayers and authorized agents can:
The Indiana Department of Local Government Finance will be providing regular updates and important information about PPOP-IN over the coming months.
→ Sign up for email updates to stay informed! Visit the Department’s website today to register for notifications and announcements.
For more information or to get started with your filing, visit PPOP-IN today.
The State of Indiana provides guidance related to Agricultural Land Assessment. Base rates, per acre, are provided by the State and applied to each parcel. The Land Rate is then adjusted based on use (tillable, non-tillable, etc.) and recorded soil types (An, Pn, etc). Any use that incorporates "open" ditches and or Right-of-Way will be adjusted to a "0" value. Placement of Land into a useful type of "Classified Lands" must first meet the requirements and application process of the Indiana DNR.
The current Assessed Base Rate set by the State of Indiana for ALL AG Land within the State, not just your local ag land, showed an increase of 4.82% based on the sales, rental value and income from Corn.
The Average Sale Price (ASP) per acre for AG showed a 106.81% value increase in four years and a 39.35% increase over the previous year:
It is projected, based on the value increases each year since 2017, that the ASP per acre of Farm Ground, in Randolph County, could reach $25,000 by 2028. However, this could be adjusted or affected by the lack of inventory and availability at that time.
Personal Property Mobile homes, in Randolph County, are assessed with an effective date of 1 January. Personal Property Mobiles Homes are assessed the same year taxes are due.
Tax bills, for mobile homes, are sent to the last owner of record. Any change of ownership that does not follow the transfer procedures established by the County of Randolph and the State of Indiana will be determined invalid and the Tax liability will fall upon the last recorded owner.
If you plan to sell, remove or transfer ownership of a Personal Property Mobile Home, please get in touch with the Assessor's Office at (765) 584-2427 for the correct forms and guidance to make the transfer of property an easy process for all involved***.
***As the responsibility of the transfer falls on the Owner of Record, Mobile Home sales will NOT be considered final until all of the required forms are complete. Therefore, the last Owner of Record (Grantor/Seller) will remain responsible for all tax liability until the transaction is complete.
All businesses, churches, and not-for-profit organizations must file business tangible personal property forms with the assessor’s office each year, even if qualified for an exemption.
Business tangible personal property is the value of all property besides real estate that is used in your business or organization. It includes equipment used in the production of income or held as an investment; billboards; foundations for the equipment; and all other tangible property other than real property. Computer application software is considered an intangible asset and is not assessable. Inventory is no longer taxed.
Licensed motor vehicles, trailers, motorized boats, most airplanes, campers, recreational vehicles, and other registered vehicles that are subject to excise tax collected at the time of licensure by the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles are not subject to personal property tax.
If the total cost of all the personal property that your business owns in the county is less than $80,000, then you may be eligible for a business personal property exemption. To qualify for this exemption, you need to fill out all the necessary forms and check the box at the top of either Form 103-Long, Form 103-Short, or Form 102, indicating that the value of your assets is under $80,000.
When can we begin our yearly filing?You can begin your filing as soon as 2 January as long as the State has provided any new changes to forms or added any new forms by then. It is best to call the Assessor’s Office (765-584-2427) to ensure we can accept forms.
Please be aware that the due date for filing your taxes is May 15, 2025. If you fail to file your taxes on or before this date, whether by in-person submission, mail postmarked, or online, you will be charged a $25 late fee on your following tax bill. If you fail to meet the June 15, 2025 deadline, 20% of your total tax liability will be levied as a late penalty on the following tax bill.
The Indiana Department of Local Government Finance’s modernization effort includes the Personal Property Online Portal – Indiana (PPOP-IN), which is the online service portal for customers to use when filing business personal property filings with their county/township assessor.
Authorized Agents
Online: Personal Property Online Portal – Indiana (PPOP-IN)
Paper Filing with county assessor:
If you own a property in Randolph County, you will get a Notice of Assessment (Form 11) in May of each year with exceptions placed on commercial, industrial, and AG or vacant property. This is due to the Market Analysis of sales. You have the right to appeal the assessment if you disagree with it. However, from January 1, 2024, the last day for appeal will be June 15. Note that there is proposed legislation to impose a fee or charge for the filing of any appeal, and it will be mandatory to attach a Power of Attorney within the last two years. Also, taxpayers must provide evidence to support their appeal.
An appeal begins with completing page 1 and filing Form 130 – Taxpayer’s Notice to Initiate an Appeal with the local Assessing Official. The appeal shall detail and or have evidence attached to explain the claim that the assessed value (not the taxes) is being disputed. A taxpayer shall only appeal the TOTAL Valuation of a property, not just a portion of it. None of the following are grounds for appeal.
As assessments are based on the Sales Market Trend, Income, or if new the overall Cost of the structure, your tax increase or decrease is based on the local jurisdiction establishing a budget and taking a portion of your value to subsidize the product albeit Public Safety, Schools, Local payroll, etc. The percentage taken or placed upon your value is the same for everyone in the taxing district.
A taxpayer may only request a review of the current year’s assessed valuation. Following an informal conference with the local assessing official, the assessor will make a recommendation either denying or approving the appeal. If denied, the appeal will be forwarded to the county Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals (PTABOA) for review. If the PTABOA denies the appeal, instructions will be provided on appealing the decision to the Indiana Board of Tax Review (IBTR). After being heard by the IBTR, taxpayers may also seek review by the Indiana Tax Court.
Appraisals are accepted however, are not required. If an appraisal is submitted, it must be the complete document and not just the valuation page and shall NOT be considered the final value as all appraisals are based on the scope of the appraisal set forth by the client and as such; will be reviewed following the National Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices and Mass Appraisal guidelines. It must also be noted and understood that just because the bank gives the owner a copy of the appraisal if the owner is not listed as the client, the value may not be considered valid.
For an Assessor to provide the lowest of the three assessment models (Sales, Income, and Cost) If you have a Rental Property, only the submission of a CURRENTLY SIGNED LEASE will be accepted to reflect Income Value.
A taxpayer can still file an appeal concerning “objective” issues (i.e., factual matters, such as the property record card containing an incorrect description of the property, like a garage that does not exist); however, it is on page 2 of Form 130.
An objective appeal issue may include:
It must also be understood that when an appeal is filed, ALL aspects of the parcel will be reviewed and considered in the appeal. An appeal is NOT a guarantee that the assessed value will be reduced. This is why the presentation of evidence is crucial to your opinion of value.
All real estate in Randolph County, totaling over 18,000 land parcels, is assessed to determine Market Value in use. As of 1 January 2011, the reassessment of real estate is performed by the Assessor's Office in a four-year cycle with 25% of the total number of parcels being assessed each year and then on a continuing cycle of every four years.
The value is then adjusted based on the Real Estate Market of a designated neighborhood so that only the sales from that neighborhood are affecting that neighborhood and not others i.e. Farmland Sales have nothing to do with any Market Trend except Farmland and the same goes for Winchester. Township sales are handled the same, in that they only affect that Township/Tax District.
Property owners are responsible for reporting any of the following changes made to a property, regardless of obtaining a permit:
*ALL CHANGES will be effective on the 1st day of January following the change.
The County Assessor maintains a Property Record Card on every parcel of land in Randolph County. The information on the property record card includes:
Real Estate Assessment Rules
The Indiana Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) (IN.gov) publishes the property assessment rules. Every year the State Board of Accounts in conjunction with the DLGF establishes the tax rates and levies of every political subdivision in the state. This rate is based on the taxing unit's stated budget versus the assessed value.
The County Assessor must follow Indiana law established in the Indiana Code and the property assessment rules provided by the DLGF.
Indiana has provided information about assessments on the DLGF Overview of Assessments page on IN.gov
Also available is information on:
Agricultural Land Assessments (IN.gov)
Property Assessment Appeals Process (IN.gov)
The Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF), in partnership with the Indiana Business Research Center (IBRC) at Indiana University, created the below tax bill projection tools for Indiana taxpayers. These tools will allow the taxpayer to enter their property's assessed value and possible deductions to see a range of tax bill estimates.
The estimates provided by these tools are projections only and should not be taken as a statement of true tax liability.
For a list of Taxing Districts (Number/Name) by Township, please see this listing made available by the DLGF.
Property values increase due to real estate market trends. Values fluctuate even without any changes/improvements to the property. (Changes to the property may include, but are not limited to additions, pools, decks, sheds, pole barns, or anything more than 25 sq ft.)
2024 median selling price in Randolph County - $130,412
2023 median selling price in Randolph County - $121,283
2022 median selling price in Randolph County - $105,279
The above-stated values are calculated from the previous year. The increase in the Median Sale Price for 2024 is 7% higher than the previous year and is based on sellers getting approximately 93% of their asking price which is much higher than the 80% norm.
Reasons why trends are higher – Housing Shortage, buyers continue purchasing homes at/above current assessed values. The current data, however, does begin to lean towards a Buyers’ Market instead of a Seller’s Market showing the possibility of lowering trends shortly.
See the Indiana Realtors Housing Hub for current trends across the State of Indiana, click here.
Market Sale price per acre for land over 5 acres (bare Ground)
2024 $18,011
2023 $12,925
2022 $9,428
2021 $8,719
2020 $6,087
2019 $5,883
2018 $5,809
2017 $5,154
2016 $5,553
2015 $5,935
2014 $8,766
2013 $7,839
Meetings are held in the County Commissioners Chambers, located on the 3rd floor of the Randolph County Courthouse, and begin at 9:00 am. Time and location are subject to change.
Taxpayers who choose to proceed directly to the PTABOA or do not reach an agreement on their valuation with the County Assessor will receive notification of their hearing date and time no
later than 30 days before the scheduled hearing. To ensure a fair and efficient process, any documentation intended to support the current valuation—whether based on previous evidence or new
information—must be submitted to the Assessor at least 10 working days before the hearing. This advance submission allows the Assessor to review the information and make necessary adjustments
to address the taxpayer's concerns or prepare a response to present during the hearing.
This application/form must be filed on or before April 1 of the assessment year and must be re-filed every even year unless the exempt property is owned, occupied, and used for educational, literary, scientific, religious, or charitable purposes and continues to meet the requirements of IC 6-1.1-10-16 or IC 6-1.1-10-21, or is owned by a fraternity or sorority and continues to meet the requirements of IC 6-1.1-10-24. An application should be filed in any year in which an appeal to the Indiana Board of Tax Review or to a court for an exemption determination on the property is pending from any preceding year.
Randolph County, Indiana, has made significant strides in alternative energy production, particularly in wind and solar energy. Here's an overview of its contributions:
Combined, these projects contribute approximately 398 MW to Indiana's wind energy capacity while taking approximately 161.56 acres out of AG production. Given that Indiana's total wind capacity was around 3,148 MW as of mid-2021, Randolph County's contribution is notable, considering a working plan of another 200 MW production in Headwaters III.
Along the northern edges of the County, there are 16 turbines from the Bluff Point Wind Project out of Jay County. These 16 turbines use up 10.72 acres of AG Land.
While specific county-by-county rankings for renewable energy production in Indiana are not readily available, Randolph County's substantial contributions in both wind and solar energy position the County as a leading county in the state's alternative energy landscape.
If you have questions or seek more information than what is provided, please contact the Assessor.
Record cards can be searched, located and printed online through a parcel search by clicking here.
For a current representation of the housing market across the State of Indiana, click here.
For a current representation of the housing market in Randolph County, click here.
The Indiana Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) offers an abundance of information regarding current legislation and tax policy. DLGF OVERVIEW
The term "Improvement" simply refers to your house, structure or other improvements to the raw land. These are not necessarily improvements that have been added this year.
For more on the Notice of Assessment of Land and Improvements (Form 11), please visit the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF).
Assessed values are established as of January 1 of the tax year, so for taxes payable in 2024 the valuation date is January 1, 2023. To arrive at the property's value on that date, sales information from the prior year is considered. For taxes payable in 2024, the assessor's office compared sales from 2022.
Ratio Studies are conducted to ensure uniformity and equity of assessments in a mass appraisal system. For more information visit - DLGF
Real property in Indiana is assessed at Market Value in Use. Distress sales such as tax, foreclosure, or short sales are typically not representative of Market Value.
Please see the first paragraph on the following webpage: Tax Bill 101
An appeal of the current year's assessment may have two different filing deadlines which are based on when the Form 11 notice of assessment is mailed. If the Form 11 is mailed before May 1st of the assessment year, the filing deadline is June 15th of that year. If the Form 11 is mailed after April 30th of the assessment year, the filing deadline is June 15th of the year that tax statements are mailed. IC 6-1.1-15-1.1
Contact your County or Township Assessor for status on active appeals.
Assessed values reflect the market and are trended on an annual basis. Actual taxes can vary based on local approved tax rates, referendums, or individual circumstances.
Assessed values fluctuate with the market. Valid sales provide a comprehensive indication of trends. An arm's length sale of a property is a significant factor in determining market trends, which may affect your assessed value.
Sales information can be obtained here, or at the Department of Local Government Finance's website by clicking here.
During reassessment, our office will send field agents to examine and inspect the exterior of every property and interview the property owner to obtain information about the interior. If no one is available to answer the questions at the time of our inspection, we will leave a door hanger. This information is vital to our efforts, since it provides us with information about the interior features and if any changes have been made to the interior of the home.
During statewide reassessments, county and township assessors physically inspect each property to ensure that records are correct. Inspection accomplishes the gathering of data to value the property. For example, does the property still have a free-standing garage and an in-ground pool? Is the building on this property still 1,200 square feet or has it increased or decreased in size? By confirming this information, assessors can ensure properties are properly valued.
For general questions about recording documents, please click here.
Questions regarding State Tax Liens should be directed to the County Clerk's Office. To access the Clerk's Office contact information please click here. Questions regarding Federal Tax Liens should be directed to the County Recorder's Office. To access the Recorder's Office contact information click here.
Questions regarding State Tax Liens should be directed to the County Clerk's Office. To access the Clerk's Office contact information please click here. Questions regarding Federal Tax Liens should be directed to the County Recorder's Office. To access the Recorder's Office contact information click here.
Probate/Estate filing questions should be directed to the County Clerk's Office. To contact the Clerk's Office, please click here.
If you live in a city or a town you must contact the municipality. If you live outside the boundaries of a city or town you must contact the Area Planning. To contact the Area Planning office, please click here.
Data current as of: 03-07-2025
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